Homes evacuated after man dies - as police and paramedics race to housing estate and 'gas engineers visit scene'.Match of the Day legend Des Lynam fires a shot at his replacement Gary Lineker over his political views, urging the broadcaster to 'Get on with the football'.Newborn baby 'seriously injured' in Ferrari crash: Supercar driver, 34, and three-week old infant are rushed to hospital after two-car smash on A558.

King Charles launches new medal as he continues to show support for charity and public sector workers.'Your accounts are to close, please be gone by this date’: Nigel Farage reveals 'condescending' Coutts letter - as City minister hauls in banks over 'victimising people for political views'.Boat out of hell: Moment terrified tourists are loaded onto escape vessels as Rhodes wildfires rage behind them.Jet2 and TUI cancel all flights to Rhodes while EasyJet 'monitors the situation' and carries on - with one near-empty jet flying today.Wildfires ravaging Rhodes spark the largest evacuation of its kind in Greek history with 19,000 fleeing from villages and hotels - as one brigade chief signals arrests are imminent, remarking 'Fires are set by human hands'.British families' Rhodes nightmare: Honeymooners' first night on holiday spent on mattress OUTSIDE as children forced to walk miles to flee the inferno and tourists herded into cramped sports stadium floor - as disaster evacuation shows no end.